Elixcir Gelato
finally. i'm back. i just had my semester holiday for few weeks. well it's almost one month.
i went back to my hometown. my hometown is Jakarta.
so, for next few posts i will post about some places i visited during my holiday in Jakarta.
the first will be this gelato. i have been craving to try this ice cream, called Elixcir Gelato.
the further location will be mentioned later. this is nitrogen ice cream. now nitrogen ice cream is in the way up on the current trend. there are few stalls selling this kind of ice cream, but has not been as many as cafes nowadays. but still, this few places, seems has a good prospect for current and future, since there has not been many competitors, and kinda unique. people in all ages still love sweets, and they able to eat ice cream to satisfy the craving right? :D for example me. who could resist this ice cream. have a look !
the place to sit was not really big though, if you want to sit to chill and have a long chit chat, i did not really suggest this, but you can take it away, and eat it while you are shopping or have a walk around shopping malls. that will be great.
that is mine. on the making process
see, how tempting it is ! i could not resist this ice cream. big portion, even i have to share this with my friend to finish all. i could not remember the exact name of this menu. the price if i am not mistaken was Rp50.000,- to Rp60.000,- in Ringgit is around RM13.5-RM17.5 , i think i got nutella in the mixture as well. it was sooooooooo delicious.
Elixcir Gelato Central Park
Central Park Mall Lv LG
Jl. S. Parman Kav 28
Tanjung Duren Selatan
Jakarta Barat
Facebook of Elixcir Gelato Jakarta
instagram : @pricillchandra
twitter : @pricillchandra